Parent’s Influence On Kid Behavior And Effects Of Overprotective Parenting

5 min readDec 21, 2020

Parents significantly influence their children’s behavior. Kids are like sponges. They model everything a parent does and organize what they see into their individual lives. It is necessary that parents set the right standards for their kids. Negative examples can be disturbing to a child’s development and can lead to negative behavior.

1. Social Skills Count

According to an analysis executed by the University of Chicago published in the Journal of Unnatural Child Psychology, antisocial kids learn their habits from their parents’ examples. Social skills can be described as everything from the basic polite “thank you” and “please” to speaking in front of peoples. Kids model their parents and acquire from them.

2. A Stressed-Out Legacy

A parent’s reaction to stress affects how a child reacts to stress and states. If a parent responds negatively, a child will learn to respond negatively as well. Besides, opposing reactions to stress, such as shouting and lashing out, can scare a child. Kids can learn to shut themselves down and may even think that they make stress. If stress is handled positively, it supports children to see that their parents’ love for them nevermore changes, even when they are stressed out.

3. Keep Discipline Positive

The way a parent controls dramatically affects their children’s presence. When a parent chooses to use physical punishment, such as spanking, it does not influence the child to change his form. Kids can also react aggressively to physical suffering. When parents choose alternative forms of punishment, such as time-outs, they quickly transform the child’s wrong behavior.

4. Fighting Frenzy

If arguing among parents is done reasonably and with sophistication, a child can profit from seeing how fights are solved. Verbal and physical arguments are challenging for children. Children may criticize themselves for their parents’ statements and may be traumatizing for ages to come. Children may generate low self-confidence and may even act violently toward other kids. Dysfunctional families propagate dysfunctional children. Kids often repeat this behavior in their future relations.

5. Child Abuse Destroys

Child abuse causes a range of asocial and negative behaviors, according to the website This is because abused kids try to cope and to realize why they are being abused. Parents who abuse their kids may generate their children to be aggressive and rough, experience learning difficulties, and become engaged in pills or alcohol. Parents who abuse produce the reverse of what a kid needs to build up healthy. Instead, they damage the inside and outside world of a kid.

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Effects of Overprotective Parenting

As kids grow, they progress from total dependency during their first years of life to a higher degree of self-sufficiency in their immature years, when they start exploring the need to produce their personality. Parents may seem overly protective of their kids and want to command every phase of their lives, worrying dangers such as drugs, drink, brutality in schools, teenage reproductions, and pedophiles. Parents need to know the distinction between being connected in their kid’s lives and being overprotective.

Lack of Self-Confidence

Overprotective parents send the directions that their children can’t handle life’s difficulties on their own. This can guide to a lack of self-confidence in particular children. They may assume that if their parents don’t believe them with the freedom to make mistakes and tackle difficulties individually, they may not have the capacity to achieve success in life without their parents’ continued guidance.

Illusion of Control

Parents may conclude that they have a handle on keeping their children secure and protected by being overprotective. This can head to an illusion of command over their kids, who may rebel as they grow older and destroy that illusion.


As children reach their teenage years, they often spend more meaningful amounts of time behind their parents’ reach. This freedom can lead to more significant risk-taking measures for kids of overprotective parents. Teens often test their overprotective parents’ limits because these youngsters have likely not produced knowledge of stability for their actions. Overprotective parents have often believed that responsibility. recommends talking with your teen about taking risks, demonstrating how destructive the outcomes can be for using drugs or drink.


Overprotective parenting can use the lack of the growth of self-confidence in a teenager. This is because the child is not allowed to face difficulties without parental interference. Part of the improvement of self-confidence in children comes from surmounting challenges on their own, which can be rejected by overprotective parenting.

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